Idiolatria: Uomini innalzano una lamiera cercando di richiamare l’attenzione del cielo. Idols worshipping: Men raise a tin can towards the sky in the hope of catching its attention.
Parole al vento: Parlare con persone senza orecchie, parole apparentemente sprecate, che nella speranza fanno fiorire il cielo. Words to the wind: Talking to people without ears, words gone to waste, a hope that might flourish the sky.
Symbols, images, continuous reflections, moments that fluctuate over time, words thet open and words that close, breaths which meet in a heartbeat, amplifying the presence standing before the Door, in front of the panorama of all dimensions. Sounds without commas or full stops, absorbing the way ahead, predestined from the first breath of the note, at the achievement of their performance on a stage where everything is present, although not immediately visible, like a plant within a seed, like the life within a glance.
I do not speak english, I speak with gestures.
Dentro la rete: Internet sembra essere una strada veloce, dove tutti si incontrano, possono scambiare, unire forze, la comunicazione cambia. In the net: Internet is a fast lane where everyone can meet, share, join forces. Communication is changing.
Centro??? : Ricerca Neutrino Energia – L’uomo prende responsabilità dell’inimmaginabile. Center: Neutrino Energy Research – Man takes responsibility of the unimaginable.
In paradiso non si beve champagne: L’uomo che si dimentica di consacrare ogni beneficio terreno, vede il paradiso come un piacere materiale, nel mistero il passaggio è un dono dello spirito, niente di materiale può essere trasferito, nudo è l’ingresso. Champagne is not drunk in paradise: The man who forgets to consecrate every earthly benefit and considers paradise as a material pleasure. The passage to the afterlife is a gift of the spirit, nothing material can go through. The entry is naked.